For me, it is impossible to live without sending photos, voice messages, video messages and regular text messages. At the moment, Telegram is one of the most technologically advanced free instant messengers. The strongest side is the absolute confidentiality of personal correspondence.
Telegram for Android has all the functionality necessary for programs of this class. Using it you can exchange text messages, transfer files up to 1 GB in size, create chats and conferences, apply various design styles, set the ability to self-delete messages after reading. In general, Telegram can really be considered the best. Thanks to a large number of servers, it provides high-quality, fast communication, is functional, has a simple interface, and it also has no ads and paid bonuses. You can enable the "self-destruction" function: select a certain period of time after which your messages will be automatically deleted, both with you and your interlocutor.
Telegram channels
The appearance of channels in the messenger pushed into the background RSS feeds and Twitter as sources of news. I will not speak for everyone, but for many people from my environment, Telegram has turned into the main hub, where information from all the resources interesting to a specific user flows.
Telegram bots
Telegram bots are a very interesting and promising thing, which makes its possibilities almost limitless. Monitor the weather, select products on AliExpress, select interesting films for the evening, translate words from one language to another, search for nearby ATMs, monitor updates of your favorite sites, download torrents from blocked sites, play games ... All this was made possible thanks to the support of bots that anyone can write for the messenger.
Notification Freeze
Big chats with heated discussions, even with notifications turned off, constantly hang out at the top of the list and often get in the way when you are doing other things and are not going to take part in the discussion. Several times I caught myself thinking that there is not enough temporary blocking of notifications so that new messages do not raise the dialogue to the top of the list and do not distract from really important conversations.
We can write more about this messenger but it's better to try it by yourselves. As for me, corporate chats in Telegram are convenient and functional. Set tasks for your team and discuss working moments with colleagues. Transfer photos, videos, screenshots and documents. Use hashtags in your correspondence so as not to lose important information, and stickers to defuse your work environment.
Best messenger ever!