Free Windows Cleanup Tool

Free Windows Cleanup Tool


Free Windows Cleanup Tool is created by and is available for 32-bit version of Windows 11, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10. Download the program for free from our website.

Free Windows Cleanup Tool lies within the System Utilities category and is part of the Optimization subcategory, download its free version and apply all its features. The installation file was rated as totally secure by our default antivirus solution Avira Free Antivirus.

The fwctsetup.exe file of this program can be found on our website and it’s possible to install the English version of Free Windows Cleanup Tool on your machine. Notice that Free Windows Cleanup Tool begins its history with the version 2.6 delivered in 2016. The most common version of the program is 2.6.

Safe & Secure:
100% clean
4 votes Add your vote
Runs on:
Windows 11,
Windows XP,
Windows Vista,
Windows 7,
Windows 8.1,
Windows 10
File name:
fwctsetup.exe (1.6 MB)
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